Childcare facilities in Colorado must now test their buildings for radon. As of last November, Colorado Board of Health gave existing facilities 18 months to test for the cancer-causing chemical, Radon. New facilities must test within their first six months of operation.
Their goal is to raise awareness about radon, to understand what the levels look like in existing childcare facilities and to work with facilities with elevated levels.
Radon is a natural occurring molecule that enters buildings from the soil as a decay produce from shale and granite. It is the primary cause of lung cancer in the U.S. for never smokers (16% of lung cancer is radon induced). It is preventable.
To help local facilities with compliance and test kits, Colorado State University Extension will offer a presentation to help local facilities comply as well as provide free test kits for those in attendance.
When: Nov. 17 at 1:30 pm
Where: Florida Room, La Plata County Fairgrounds
Who: A representative of each facility
RSVP to Angela at Extension Office 970-382-6465 or