
Peaceful Spirit launches aftercare program

Last fall, Peaceful Spirit officially launched an Aftercare Program called Healing Spirits.

The group is open to everyone in support of recovery. Many times the word recovery is limited to recovery from drugs or alcohol. While this is true, we believe the historic trauma and loss indigenous peoples have survived also requires recovery – a healing from the generational wounds of loss of land, language, and people.

We also believe that each person holds the potential for healing and transformation for themselves and the community where they live. Guided by these beliefs, Healing Spirits welcomes everyone to join in a movement of creating community health.

The goal of the Healing Spirits column is to highlight the process of healing. Healing requires time, motivation and community. We present this column as an offering to begin the journey of healing – a commitment, a confirmation, a celebration.

This first contribution introduces the concept of recovery. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, recovery is a worldview, a dynamic concept that includes many pathways, “Recovery emerges from hope and gratitude … involves a process of healing and self-redefinition … has cultural dimensions.” Above all, “recovery is a reality. It can, will and does happen.”

Each offering will be presented anonymously.

On my journey of recovery, I have come to embrace all my shortcomings as blessings, opportunities to learn. Within the struggle I find myself.

Through the trials and tribulations of my choices I have enjoyed all the pain and healing I have found. To embrace my whole heart and soul is to accept my addiction as part of who I am. But it does not define who I will continue to be.

Recovery gives me the true meaning of peace. I encourage support and I’m proud to see newcomers provide insight into the worlds of addiction.

Struggles bring healing, bring a voice to the monster that lives within. It gives power to survive. Let us all see the trueness of a person who is willing to share their stories of healing and struggles that still lie within.

I am only one being continuing my recovery taking it one day at a time.


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