Cooking Matters
Bill Barbone
Class participants
(Left to right) SunUte Fitness Trainer Abel Velasquez, (title) Marissa Kleinsmith, Health Services Dietician Kimberly Heintzman, Sky Ute Casino Resort Sous Chef Brett Martinez, Sky Ute Casino Resort Executive Chef Bill Barbone, Diabetes Program Coordinator Deanna Frost and SunUte Fitness Director Robin Duffy-Wirth each spoke before the Cooking Matter class, hosted by the Southern Ute Shining Mountain Diabetes Program in collaboration with the Sky Ute Casino Resort’s cooking staff and SunUte Community Center.
Bill Barbone of the Sky Ute Casino Resort demonstrates proper technique of knife use and safe slicing of vegetables.
Class participants, Katherine Piel watches Kathy Pannell as she carefully measures honey for a sauce that will be used in the dish being prepared.
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Thumbnail image of Cooking Matters
Thumbnail image of Bill Barbone
Thumbnail image of Class participants

Cooking does matter

Discussing the different components of the 5-week Cooking Matters class. The class shows healthy ways of preparing food and cooking, while providing nutritional education. A bag of groceries containing the class’ ingredients is sent with the participants allowing them to practice and cook the meals from class at home.

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