A big THANK YOU to Tribal Council, Executive Officer, SunUte, Multi-Purpose Facility, Building Maintenance, and Ground Maintenance for everything you have provided to SUIMA during the month of December.
Whether it was Christmas décor, Santa activities, or keeping our sidewalks free of ice – everything you did was a support for our students.
Tʉvʉchi toghoyaqh!
Montessori Tidbits
Our school follows the Montessori philosophy, which was the curriculum method chosen for SUIMA. In order to help with the understanding of some terminology that is used at the school, here are some short explanations.
- Human Potential: Each child has within them the person they will become.
- Prepared Environment: A Montessori classroom is one that has a certain order and supports the child to develop at their own speed in a non-competitive atmosphere. It is an environment that ensures success before failure.
- Inner Discipline: This is the core of Dr. Montessori’s philosophy. Patterns of concentration, which are established in early childhood, produce a confident and competent learner in later years.
- Absorbent Mind: From the moment of birth, each child has a mind to take in knowledge. Each child has the power to teach themselves.
- Sensitive Periods: Each child passes through “sensitive periods” that are successive stages of development. During a particular sensitive period, a child shows an insatiable hunger for the acquisition of some particular knowledge or skill.
Enjoy the last of the holiday season. See you on Jan. 6, 2025.
Upcoming Events
- Early Release Days Fridays at 2 p.m.
- Dec. 23 – Jan. 3 – Winter Break
- Jan. 6, 2025 – Students return
- Jan. 9 – School Board meeting
- Jan. 20 – No School – Dr. Martin Luther King Day
- Jan. 21 – Parent Advisory Group meeting
- Jan. 22 – Family Night