Greetings from the Ignacio School District, as the new school year begins, we are filled with excitement and enthusiasm to work with our students. Our dedicated staff is committed to making this year one of the best yet. We remain focused on our District’s Strategic Plan – developed in collaboration with parents, staff, and community stakeholders – which emphasizes academic achievement, climate and culture, staff retention and development, and facilities. Our mission remains steadfast: “Together, we will engage, empower, and prepare all of our learners for the future.”
This year, we are pleased to welcome a new High School Principal, Alisha Gullion, who transitions from her role as a secondary Language Arts teacher into leadership. She joins a strong team of experienced principals: Melanie Brunson at the Ignacio Early Learning Program, Shauna Branch at the Elementary School, and Dayna Talamante-Montoya at the Middle School. Cori Stevens will continue to guide the district’s curriculum and assessment efforts from the Administrative Office. Our district leadership will focus on improving academic growth through tiered support for our students, challenging and supporting them every step of the way.
Over the past two years, our staff has accomplished remarkable work. They have aligned the curriculum, developed pacing guides, enhanced engagement, and created meaningful differentiation strategies to meet the needs of all students. Understanding the importance of communication, we have improved our outreach through the Ignacio School District’s website and social media platforms. This year, all schools will send out weekly messages about upcoming events, building on the success of last year’s initiative at the Elementary School. Additionally, we will distribute a one-page flyer to help parents/guardians easily access and upload necessary information. Our communication channels include the ISD website, Infinite Campus, DOJO, and social media.
Our focus areas for the coming school year include enhancing student engagement through research-based strategies. Our staff will participate in high-functioning professional learning communities that use data to refine skill-specific instruction. We will also concentrate on improving student academics by utilizing safety nets for struggling learners across all levels – classroom, unit, department, school, and district-wide. We are fortunate to have such an incredible staff, and we eagerly anticipate working with the children and families of this community.
Attendance continues to be a key area of concern. We ask for the support of all families in prioritizing school attendance this year. Attendance directly impacts academic growth, social-emotional stability, and overall success in school. With the pandemic behind us, in-person attendance must be a top priority. If your family needs support with attendance, please reach out to your school principal as soon as possible.
We look forward to an excellent school year. We are proud to serve this community and are committed to making a positive impact on every child who walks through our doors. Together, we will engage, empower, and prepare all our learners for the future.