Southern Ute tribal member Auq-uwey O’John proudly stands with his printed photograph submitted for the Native American Heritage Month art display at Bayfield High School. O’John is a sophomore at BHS and is passionate about photography.
Southern Ute tribal member Tavian Box shows off his photography included in the Native American Heritage Month art display at Bayfield High School on Thursday, Nov. 30. Native American students currently in Ms. Kathleen Neal’s Art Class created handmade pottery, paintings, drawings, and photos that were displayed in the main entrance of the school.
Southern Ute tribal member Zuriah Baker holds her pottery and painting she submitted for the Native American Heritage Month art display on Thursday, Nov. 30 inside Bayfield High School. The school gave recognition to the Native American artists who shared their heritage with their individual art pieces.
Photo Credit: Divine Windy Boy | SU Drum
Photo Credit: Divine Windy Boy | SU Drum
Photo Credit: Divine Windy Boy | SU Drum
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BHS Celebrates Native American Heritage

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