SUIMA enjoys field trips and fall harvest season
Field trips and fall harvest season were the focus activities during the month of October.
Most of the classrooms went to Jack-a-Lope Acres, while the upper elementary students took a field trip to Crow Canyon. Everyone participated in Pumpkin Splash and students were able to choose a pumpkin to take home.
During this month we also had the pleasure of going to the Tribal Garden area to understand growth cycles as well as have the fortune of Jack Frost Jr.’s family provide a hands-on event which involved the students field dressing a small doe. With the meat that the students packaged, they will be making jerky in various ways.
Montessori Tidbits
In an Early Childhood (three – six years old) Montessori environment, children learn in a mixed-age group with a three-year developmental span in each classroom. This allows the older, more socially advanced children to become role models for the younger children.
Often, when you step into a Montessori classroom with this age group, you can find the older children helping the younger students with zipping coats or tying shoes. A feeling of community grows as the younger children are aided by the patient and nurturing older children.
In a mixed-age classroom, children can choose friendships based on common interest, not just age. In these classrooms, SUIMA uses the ROSE to guide the children towards self-discipline: Respect for Others, Self, and Environment.
As the children learn how to respect themselves and others, these attributes will carry them far into the future.
Character Counts
September’s Pillar of Character was Trustworthiness. Matthew Carrillo demonstrates this pillar by taking care of the school wide lunch count, completing his work, and making sure his daily tasks are done before going home.
October’s Pillar of Character was Respect. Congratulations to O’hozhoni Larry and Andre Bluestar-Baker for exemplifying this pillar. O’hozhoni’s teacher stated that “O’hozhoni demonstrates respect by listening, following directions, and treating everyone kindly.” Andres’s teacher said he demonstrates this pillar by following directions, understanding how to treat elders, and listening well.”
November’s Pillar of character is Responsibility. Brothers Meskvlwv and Tenetke Wesley both demonstrate this pillar. Meskvlwv was chosen by his teacher for his willingness to help others, completing his tasks, and taking responsibility for his own learning. Tenetke was chosen by his teacher for showing good manners, being a class leader, and taking responsibility for his actions.
A shout out to Jayceon Richards as he has consistently shown his desire for fairness as he treats everyone equally and doesn’t want to leave anyone out.
Family conference week is Nov. 6-9. We are aiming for 100% attendance, please help us attain that by scheduling the conference time with your child’s teacher/guide.
School Board
The SUIMA School Board members are Rhiannon Velasquez, Dominika Joy, Joe Poynter, Morgann, Graham, Kristean Velasquez, with Ann Peck as the alternate. If you’d like to send questions or concerns to any of the board members, go to our website,, click on the School Board tab, and submit your inquiry.
Parent Advisory Group
The next PAG meeting will be Nov. 28 from 6 – 7 p.m. via Zoom. We typically have them every third Tuesday, but in November, the third Tuesday falls in our Thanksgiving break. Please join us for an evening full of information pertaining to the holiday season.
Family Nights
The October Family Night was so fun!! We had over 70 people attend! Everyone was able to carve a Jack-o-Lantern and enjoy some good food. Our November Family Night may be held on Wednesday, Nov. 29. The theme for that night will be “Family Trees.” Come join us for a meal and fun activity as we learn to use our Ute language in regard to children, siblings, parents, and grandparents.