
Finance Director, Lounge to retire   

After five years at Ignacio School District, Finance Director Lucinda Lounge has retired as of the end of June. Lounge has been a passionate Director and has left her mark here at the Ignacio School District. 

Lounge has been at the district five years, in that time she has guided the district through the pandemic specifically with the efficient use of ESSER I, II, III funds from the federal government. She has also successfully supported the refinance of the bonds twice thus saving taxpayers thousands of dollars. 

“We are grateful for her service,” Ignacio School District Superintendent, Chris deKay said. In the office Lounge has been known for her sense of humor, her passion for theatre and her creativity. “I will miss so much,” says Lounge, “The people of course and the work.” 

Lounge has worked in school finance for almost 24 years in Arizona and eastern Colorado. She shared that she wanted one last adventure when her youngest daughter went off to college. 

With family in the area she came to interview and was offered the job months later. She quickly moved down to southwest Colorado living out of her car and a run-down motel the first week on the job. 

“When I started work, I could only find one right shoe and one left shoe, not matching,” she recounts, “All of my co-workers were too nice to mention it.” 

She was in charge of the participation games for all parties, new-staff training, and staff meetings. Lounge mentioned it has been a real challenge trying to pick a game that will fit the situation. There have been epic fails like the scavenger hunt modeled after the Amazing Race. Also there were massive successes like “In Other Words” at the Christmas Party three years ago. 

“My favorite is the name game that we play every year at New Staff Orientation. Without fail, a few days later I caught the new teachers playing it in the classrooms to help them learn the students’ names.” 

  Lounge is leaving behind a very supportive work family. 

“I have only had the privilege of working under LuCinda for a year but it has been such a valuable time of being taught so many things in the finance world,” says, ISD Bookkeeper. “Oftentimes, she has had more confidence in my abilities than I did.” 

After the five short years Lounge has been at ISD she is excited to move back to northeast Colorado where she will go back to her true love of costume design and regional theatre. She will also get to be closer to her family and new grandchild. 

Lounge mentions how it can be difficult coming into a small community, where everyone seems to know everyone else. Where people have done things the same way “forever.” It is easy to feel isolated and alone. 

“In a world that often seems full of divisiveness and anger, Ignacio is a place that can be a haven of acceptance and kindness. Always choose to be a part of that,” says Lounge. 

The Ignacio School District is sad to see Lounge leave but is excited for her as she embarks on her next chapter of life. On behalf of ISD we thank her for all of her hard work and dedication to the job. 

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