Miracle Ortiz shares light refreshments and tea with her children Alliyannah Tahlo and AhKeem Williams during the Mother’s Day Tea celebration held within the Dining Hall at the Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy (SUIMA) on Friday, May 6.
Shining Mountain Health and Wellness hosted Mother’s Day High Tea in the SunUte Community Center Capote Room on Thursday, May 12. Attendees enjoyed light refreshments including a variety of hot and cold tea. Attendees also had the opportunity to ask questions related to breastfeeding and motherhood. Shining Mountain Health and Wellness is a fully grant funded community and clinic-based program that has a primary focus on chronic disease management and prevention, additionally Shining Mountain Health and Wellness provides resources and education in both the breastfeeding and breast/cervical cancer fields.
Kristean Velasquez conversates and breastfeeds daughter Scarlett Velasquez while attending the Mother’s Day Tea celebration at the SUIMA Dining Hall Friday, May 6.
Photo Credit: Divine Windy Boy | SU Drum
Photo Credit: Divine Windy Boy | SU Drum
Photo Credit: Divine Windy Boy | SU Drum
Recognizing motherhood