Combating computer fatigue
As SUIMA students continue to participate in remote on-line lessons, the feeling of computer fatigue may be setting in. Whether a SUIMA student or a student from another school, this edition of the Eagle’s Nest will focus on making music. And what better time to do that, than during the holiday season.
If anyone in the house owns a musical instrument, the best thing to do is keep it visible in your home. Allow your child to play a few notes or teach your child a simple melody. If you had no musical education and have never played music before, you can still get something inexpensive for your child: a recorder! This is a plastic version of a wooden flute and can be purchased from area stores, or you may check out one from SUIMA.
A way to bring in a variety of music is to listen to music that is not normally heard in your home. There are several Smartphone Apps that allow you to listen to classical, blues, jazz, Celtic, etc. You can also make your own musical instruments by using recycled materials.
- A xylophone: fill a few glasses with different levels of water and hit them (gently!) with a metallic spoon. Let the gentle music soothe your soul.
- A guitar: make a circular hole in the middle of a shoe box and place a few rubber bands over it. Let the strumming begin!
- Maracas: put some pebbles into empty plastic bottles or yogurt containers and shake away!
- Spanish castanets: glue the lids off juice cans onto some cardboard; poke two holes on either side of the glued-on lids, tie a string onto the castanets and click your worries “down the drain.”
As we approach the holiday seasons, please take care of yourself and your family. Show some kindness and compassion so that everyone can have good memories of your small celebration. Remember to stay safe, stay healthy, and enjoy those around you at a safe distance. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Upcoming events:
- SUIMA will be closed from Wednesday, Nov. 25 – Friday, Nov. 27 for Thanksgiving.
Spotlight on SUIMA Staff Member: Marilyn Olguin
Our SUIMA staff member spotlight for this edition is Marilyn Olguin.
Ms. Olguin has been with the Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy since the very beginning – 20 years ago! And she is the only teacher who has been in the same classroom for all of those years!
Before joining SUIMA, Marilyn worked with toddlers in the Southern Ute Early Head Start program. Ms. Olguin lives in Ignacio and has raised five girls: Bridget, Kim, Ultima, Ariana and Arial. While none of these girls live with her, she doesn’t live alone, as she has three dogs and two fish who enjoy her company.
When asked what her favorite thing to do is, Marilyn replied, “Spending time with my seven grandchildren, driving to the area lakes, stopping by yard sales and taking time to be with my mom.”
As Marilyn helps and supports the growth of the young SUIMA students, she encourages them to get outside and explore the world. And she wants everyone to remember that the laughter you share, makes everybody happy.
Thank you, Marilyn, for being part of the SUIMA family.