The Southern Ute Indian Tribe is a sovereign nation with the Southern Ute Indian Montessori Indian Academy (SUIMA) following the direction of the Tribal Council. At this time, Tribal Council has declared that SUIMA will be closed for the remainder of the school year. All end-of-the year activities have been postponed (class to class transition, school to school transition, and our end-of-the year ceremony).
Lessons and activities will continue to be provided for all students through, and up to, the last scheduled in-class school day of the 2019-2020 school year, which will be Wednesday, May 20.
SUIMA staff will continue to stay in touch via email, phone calls, texts, REMIND’s, virtual meetings, and any other way we can so that we are all staying connected. The SUIMA website will have our online programs (Ute Language, Freckle, Lexia, Renaissance, Splash Math, and Typing Club) continue to be accessible.
Staff will continue to monitor the online programs, checking on progress of the K-61h year students. For students and parents that are working on the online programs, completing their home-learning packets, and working on age-appropriate lessons that the teachers have sent out, this will be counted towards the Parent Commitment Contract.
We will update you regarding progress reports, next year’s calendar, and obtaining enrollment information as soon as we can.
Remember to follow Tribal Council’s Stay-At-Home order and continue practicing Social Distancing.
If you have any questions regarding COVID-19, please call the SUIT Call Center at 563-0214 or visit the following websites for up-to-date information: or CDPHE website: