
Ignacio School District will be providing free breakfast and lunch for students

Emergency Meal Program: Free Breakfast and Lunch


Ignacio School District will be providing free breakfast and lunch for students under the age of 19. These meals will be provided at the remote locations from 11 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. and at the High School from 11 a.m. until noon on weekdays. No meals will be provided during Spring break (March 23 – March 27). These meals are grab and go and will meet the nutritional requirements of the USDA both breakfast and lunch will be provided at the same time.

Please fill out the online meal order form weekly at: (Found on the web page or leave your meal order request on the voicemail of 970-563-0653 we will need name, phone number, number of meals and pickup location. Remote locations include: Allison Church Oxford Grange 318 Fire Station Ignacio High School (Southeast Door #8 Near Library\Bus Drop off).

Sincerely, Rocco Fuschetto, Ed.D.

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