Students were so excited to see the Southern Ute Tribal Council including Council Member Ramona Eagle at the February Reading Wednesday event. Tribal Council has dedicated time in their schedules to read to the various SUIMA classrooms to lead by example, how important reading is for a child’s development.
One of the best ways to spark your child’s development is to ask questions to your child about the book you are reading. Students from SUIMA Primary 2 classroom ask Tribal Council Treasurer, Lorelei Cloud to explain a part of the book being read, on Wednesday, Feb. 19.
Council Member Marjorie Barry has a captive audience with SUIMA Primary 2 classmates during Tribal Council’s Reading Wednesday.
Chairman Christine Sage describes parts of the book to SUIMA students. “This was so much fun,” exclaimed Chairman Sage.
Photo Credit: Lindsay Box | SU Tribal Council Affairs
Photo Credit: Lindsay Box | SU Tribal Council Affairs
Photo Credit: Lindsay Box | SU Tribal Council Affairs
Photo Credit: Lindsay Box | SU Tribal Council Affairs