
Sensitive periods of learning

Kellis Wilbourn makes her bed before heading outside to get some sun at the Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy.
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | The Southern Ute Drum

The Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy follows the Montessori method which was developed over 100 years ago by Dr. Maria Montessori.  Watching young children on the streets of Rome, she saw that all children wanted to learn.  And that, at various times in the child’s life, they were sensitive to the development of certain skills. These snippets of time are called “sensitive periods of learning.”

The Montessori method is an approached where diverse concepts are presented across the curriculum and in different ways as the children progress.  Practical Life is a vital component of a Montessori classroom which helps teach, guide and support children as they start understanding the world around them and their part of it. They will learn grace and courtesy (manners and etiquette); use glass pitchers and plates for meals; learn to put on their coats; how to greet people coming into the classroom; and how to build positive relationships.

A lesson in practical life that supports the idea of the sensitive period of learning is washing windows or mirrors.  This is an activity that can be seen daily in any of SUIMA’s primary classrooms.  If you have a son or daughter in the Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy, we invite you to come observe the work he or she is doing.  From the infants to the upper elementary level, you will see students concentrating on their lessons, asking questions, and building their independence.


Upcoming events:

2/14 – No school for students

Professional Development Day for staff.

2/17 – No school in honor of Presidents Day.

2/18 – Kindergarten and Elementary students snowboarding at Purgatory.

2/19 – Primary rooms 1 and 4 to The Powerhouse Science Center.

Council members will come read to the students.

PAG Family Night from 6 – 7 p.m.

2/20 – Primary rooms 2 and 3 to The Powerhouse Science Center.

2/21 – Council members will come have lunch with the students.


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