Photo Credit: SUCAP
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
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Duck Race returns to Ignacio July 28, for San Ignacio Fiesta

Southwest Ag cares for kids

Southern Ute Community Action Programs, Inc. announces it’s annual Duck Race for 2018.

Sponsored by Southwest Ag of Gem Village, Colo., the duck race will help raise funds for a new Head Start building in Ignacio. Only 500 ducks will be sold, so the possibility to win a cash prize of $400, $200 or $100 is high. Ticket holders will be eligible for several door prize items as well.

Winners need not be present to claim their cash prizes, but those who want to watch the ducks edge each other out down the Pine River can come to Shoshone Park in Ignacio at 2pm on Saturday, July 28 to view the competition.

To race a duck, purchase a ticket for $10 at the SUCAP Administration building (285 Lakin Street, Ignacio, open 8am-5pm M-F), or give Eileen or Nita a call at 970-563-4517 and we will deliver your tickets to you.

SUCAP’s Head Start program vacated it’s home of many decades in Oct. 2017 when asbestos was discovered in the main Head Start building on the Southern Ute Tribal Campus. Our program is operating in temporary quarters at the Southern Ute Museum, but we need a facility of our own as soon as we can create one. With everyone behind the SUCAP Duck Race, we can get there that much faster.

Thank you for your concern for our kids!

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