Eddie and Betty Box presented the Dorothy Burch Scholarship to Southern Ute tribal member and Bayfield High School graduate, Jakob Box at their home on Sunday, May 27. “Jakob has done so many beautiful things, he is good in school and serves as a role model to others in the community,” Betty Box said of her grandson. A deserving student is selected for the scholarship each spring. There were no outside applicants this year, so the Box family chose a deserving student from the community. In addition to the $1,000 scholarship to help with education needs, materials, boys will receive a Pendelton blanket, and the girls receive a shawl. Applicants, whom are generally local, young adults, have to submit their stories in writing — these are my grades, these are my goals, said Betty Box. “That scholarship is what we do, it supports ‘Mom’ Box’s memory
Box family presents scholarship

Photo Credit: Curtesy | Michael Hirano Culross