Jon Broholm, Wildlife Technician for the Southern Ute Division of Wildlife, holds a tree stump as Tallias Cantsee drills the rebar holes for SUIMA’s Earth Day project at Scott’s Pond on Tuesday, April 24.
Kean Cantsee hammers the rebar in the tree stump adding environmental friendly seating around Scott’s Pond for their Earth Day activities.
Dereck Sage and Davian Herrera finish up with the tree planting process at Scott’s Pond on Tuesday, April 24.
Autumn Harlan and Terena Hight work on digging tree holes for the two trees SUIMA’s upper elementary class room planted at Scott’s Pond for their Earth Day activities.
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | SU Drum
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | SU Drum
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | SU Drum
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | SU Drum
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Recognizing Earth Day

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