Eligible students are Southern Ute Tribal members or Johnson-O’Malley enrolled.
Information about summer programs will be sent home with Ignacio Public School & Montessori students before school ends. Look for our advertisement in the DRUM coming out in May 2016. Or contact; Carrie Vogel, Dorian Romero-Morris, or Julie Stone @ (970) 563-0237 or email us at: {cvogel@southernute-nsn.gov; doromero@southernute-nsn.gov; jstone@southernute-nsn.gov}
Inventor’s Camp – June 20-23, 9am-3pm, Mon-Thu
6-8 yr olds (boys + girls)
Southern Ute Education Dept.
This camp is perfect for young tinkerers, builders, inventors and always-curious minds. Campers will use creativity, innovative thinking and problem solving to come up with unique contraptions, useful (and useless!) inventions, and solutions to a variety of challenges. From engineering boats, catapults and mini solar powered cars to constructing mini circuit bugs, we’ll make some friends, make a mess and, most importantly, make something new!
Girl Power Science! – June 27-30, 9am-3pm, Mon-Thu
9-12 yr olds (girls only)
Southern Ute Education Dept.
Join us for an all-star, all-girls science camp this summer! Campers will work together to design, build and problem-solve hands-on engineering challenges, explore the science behind food and cooking, construct wearable electronics, learn about (and work alongside) powerful woman in science, and experience a full day of Girls Who Code! Empowering girls through confidence-building science experiences…this is sure to be a blast for everyone!
Superhero Training Camp – July 11-14, 9am-3pm, Mon-Thu
9-12 yr olds (boys only)
Southern Ute Education Dept.
POW! KABLAAM! Be prepared to release your inner superhero in this action-packed, good-deed-doing, skill-building training camp. Trainees will design costumes with build-in LED lights, build secret light signals, explore basic superhero and computer coding, design robotic sidekicks, and work in teams to problem solve tricky situations together and utilize others’ special powers/strengths. Don’t worry Durango, your future crime fighters and masked vigilantes are on their way!
PLEASE CONTACT The Montessori Academy for information on the camp below.
Mini Inventor’s Camp – July 25-29, 9am-1pm, Mon-Fri
3-5 yr olds (boys + girls)
Southern Ute Indian Montessori Academy
Our youngest scientists will explore, experiment and invent with simple machines like pulleys, wheels and levers. We’ll build mini cars, engineer simple catapults, build super-tall structures, read stories, play games, and incorporate art into everything we do. Most importantly, we’ll work together as a team, enjoy and appreciate one another’s creativity, and have fun!
Camp Discovery 2016 at Powerhouse Science Center – Durango and Cortez
Enrolled Southern Ute Tribal Members ONLY
Please contact: Carrie Vogel or Julie Stone at the Southern Ute Education Department for information about registration. (970) 563-0237 or cvogel@southernute-nsn.gov / jstone@southernute-nsn.gov
There are 20 paid scholarship spots for your eligible children to participate in these camps. The only requirement is families must make the commitment to transport and pick up all camp attendees from each location – Powerhouse Science Center– Durango, Animas High School– Durango or Kiva School– Cortez. Camp enrollment is on a first come basis and each camp fills up quickly, so if interested, please call me today!!
June 13-17 @ Powerhouse, 9AM-3PM, 8-11 yrs. {3 spots left}
Animal Science
June 20-24 @ Powerhouse, 9AM-3PM, 6-8 yrs.
Harry Potter Camp
June 20-24 @ Kiva School in Cortez, 9AM-3PM, 9-12 yrs.
Engineering Design Lab
June 27-July 1 @ Powerhouse, 9AM-3PM, 6-8 yrs. {2 spots left}
Cyclin’ Science Camp
(Hosted by Durango DEVO youth cycling team) Must have a helmet and durable mountain bike!
June 27-July 1 @ Powerhouse, 9AM – 3PM, 8-10 yrs.
Inventor’s Camp
June 27-July1@Kiva School in Cortez, 9AM-3PM, 9-12 yrs.
Out of this World!
July 5-8 @ Powerhouse, 9AM-3PM, 3-5 yrs. {3 spots left}
Sounds Good to Me!
July 5-8 @ Powerhouse, 1:30PM-5PM, 3-5 yrs. {5 spots left}
Rocketry Camp
July 6-8 @ Animas High School, Durango, 9AM-1PM, 10-14 yrs.
3D Printing workshop
July 8 @ Powerhouse, 9AM-3PM, 11-15 yrs.
Zettabyte Computer Camp
July 11-15 @ Powerhouse, 9AM-3PM, 10-15 yrs.
Seedy Science in our Garden
July 11-15 @ Powerhouse, 9AM-1PM, 3-5 yrs. {5 spots left}
Cyclin’ Science Camp
(Hosted by Durango DEVO youth cycling team) Must have a helmet and durable mountain bike!
July 11-15 @ Powerhouse, 9AM-3PM, 10-12 yrs.
Forensic Science Camp
July 18-22 @ Powerhouse, 9AM-3PM, 11-15 yrs.
Jedi Academy
July 18-22 @ Animas High School, Durango, 9AM-3PM, 11-15 yrs.
Camp Ladyada – Girl Power Science
July 18-22 @ Kiva School in Cortez, 9-12 yrs.
Camp Ladyada – Girl Power Science
July 25-29 @ Powerhouse, 9AM-3PM, 9-12 yrs.
Robotics Camp
July 25-29 @ Animas High School, Durango, 9AM-3PM, 9-12 yrs.
Robotics 4.0
August 1-5 @ Animas High School, Durango, 9AM-3PM, 11-15 yrs.
Harry Potter Camp
August 1-5 @ Powerhouse, 9AM-3PM, 9-12 yrs.
Biology Camp: Survival 101
August 1-5 @ Animas High School, Durango, 9AM-3PM, 8-11 yrs.