Students participated in a bike rodeo put on by the Southern Ute Police Department and Durango Police Department on Wednesday, April 27. Durango Police Department provided helmets and bikes for students.

Ryan Naranjo is all smiles as Ethan Barry follows him across the “rock patch” part of the bike rodeo course.
Marquise Javier stops and looks both ways at the railroad crossing at the Ignacio Elementary Bike Rodeo.
Nate Hendren looks like a pro dipping and dodging cones as a part of the bike rodeo course.
Students at Ignacio Elementary School stop at the railroad crossing.
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | The Southern Ute Drum

Bike safety 101
Friday - April 29, 2016 by Trennie Collins | The Southern Ute Drum