Why Attend Literacy Activities at School?
Why Involve Yourself in Your Child’s Education?
Because your children are working hard at school every day. The teaching staff is working hard at school every day. The third “working piece” is you.
Your little student/s and the staff need and want support from home. But don’t just take it from me. I interviewed several children at the last Family Night in January. This is what they had to say about family involvement:
“ I love being with my family. And I love that they can come to school and see what we’re learning.”
“ I love when she (Mom) comes and she still tries to come even if she’s sick.”
“My son wanted me to come so badly, he dragged me off the couch.” One father said.
“My Mom thinks it’s fun, but I don’t.” (She was being extremely honest and she has a lot of support from her family.)
The children don’t want to feel they’re in it by themselves. That’s why Families In School at Pine River Community Learning Center, in collaboration with the Southern Ute Education Department and the Ignacio School District invite you to attend.
For more information contact: Families In School, Pine River Community Learning Center, Jackie Candelaria at 970-563-0681, ext. 112 or by email at jcan@prclc.org.
Upcoming activities at Ignacio Elementary:
- Reading Wednesday – every Wednesday in the Parent Room at your child’s lunch hour.
- 1st Grade Family Night – Thur. Feb. 18 – 6 p.m. – dinner plus family fun in literacy/numeracy activities. Flyers due home soon. Check your child’s backpack on a daily basis!
- Homework Helpers (for adults) – Math brush-up for families so they can help their students with homework. Call Jackie at 563-0681 ext. 112 for details.
- Brainy Bobcat Summer Activity Packets – available upon request at the end of May to help keep your student’s mind SHARP over the summer.