Mique and Greetings Tribal Members,
I am your Little Miss Southern Ute 2013-2014, Ollyvia Howe. I would like to update you on what I have been doing to represent the Southern Ute Indian Tribe. In December, I greeted Southern Ute tribal members and families at the annual tribal Christmas dinner. I represented the Southern Ute Tribe at the Denver March Powwow and met fellow royalty from the Seminole Tribe of Florida. While I was in Denver, I represented the Southern Ute Indian Tribe at the Colorado State Capitol, I got to take pictures and visit with the Lieutenant Governor of Colorado, Joe Garcia, and dignitaries from our sister tribes. I met several Senators in the Senate chambers and got to watch as new laws were being voted on. I also represented the Southern Ute Indian Tribe at the Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs meeting at the Colorado Governor’s Mansion.
I am honored and humbled to represent the Southern Ute Indian Tribe as an ambassador. I have already learned many things while representing.
Thank you and May the Creator bless you,
Ollyvia Howe
Little Miss Southern Ute 2013-2014