Photo Credit: SU Cultural Preservation Dept.
Photo Credit: SU Cultural Preservation Dept.
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Request for tribal member feedback

Possibility of renaming Breen, Colo.

The Southern Ute Tribal Council is inviting tribal members to share their thoughts on the possibility of renaming Breen, Colo. This unincorporated community lies within the Southern Ute Indian Reservation and is currently named after Dr. Thomas Breen. 

Dr. Breen served as superintendent of the Fort Lewis Indian School from 1894 to 1903. However, he was eventually removed from his position due to an investigation into his conduct. Allegations surfaced that he had assaulted multiple young girls enrolled at both the Fort Lewis School and the Teller Institute. 

Given Dr. Breen’s troubling history and the community’s location within the Reservation, the Tribal Council seeks tribal member input on whether a name change would be appropriate. 

For more information on the Federal Indian Boarding School Research Program Act (House Bill 22-1327) and for the final report released by History Colorado, please see (History Colorado Issues Executive Summary of Federal Indian Boarding S).  

For questions or concerns, please contact the Southern Ute Cultural Preservation Department at 970-563-2983. To provide feedback on the renaming of Breen, please scan the QR code below: 

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