Native America: Season 2 Producer, Pam Belgarde (Anishinaabe) answers questions from Brian Brashier, Native Public Media Board Member & Station Advisory Committee Liaison during the Q&A of Native America: Season 2 which will premier Oct. 24 on a PBS station near you.
KSUT Tribal Radio staffers, Tribal Radio Station Manager, Sheila Nanaeto and Tribal Radio Content Manager, Lorena Richards man the KSUT Tribal Radio table at the "Native American: Season 2" screening.
Brian Brashier, Native Public Media Board Member & Station Advisory Committee Liaison was the emcee of the Native America: Season 2 screening.
Community members listen to the Q&A segment, after the screening of Native America: Season 2 in the FLC Student Ballroom.
Native America: Season 2 Producer Pam Belgarde (blue shirt) join KSUT Tribal Radio staff members, Sheila Nanaeto (left), and Lorena Richards, KSUT Executive Director, Tami Graham (far right) and Native Public Media President and CEO Loris Taylor, and Native Public Media staff, after the exclusive screening of “Native America: Season 2,” Tuesday, Oct. 10 in the Student Union Ballroom at Fort Lewis College. The screening presented by KSUT Radio and Native Public Media, covered a wide range of topics, from the warrior spirit of Native American athletes to the traditional sport of Indian relay to the Pueblo Revolt of 1680.
KSUT Executive Director, Tami Graham and KSUt Board of Director board member, Kirsten Langmade chat with Native Public Media President and CEO Loris Taylor.
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum
“Native America: Season 2” exclusive debut screening
Brian Brashier,
Fort Lewis College Student Ballroom,
KSUT Tribal Radio,
KSUT Tribal Radio Content Manager Lorena Richards,
KSUT Tribal Radio Station Manager Sheila Nanaeto,
Loris Taylor,
Native America: Season 2,
Native Public Media,
Pam Belgarde,
Tami Graham