Ute storyteller Larry Cesspooch shares the Ute Creation Story with the audience attending the Ute Storytelling event hosted by the Southern Ute Royalty on Saturday, Feb. 25 at the Multi-Purpose Facility. Members of the community gathered to hear from storytellers and enjoy a meal, Cesspooch is from the Ute Indian Tribe and shares Native stories through film, music, and lectures. Cesspooch traveled from the Uintah & Ouray Reservation in Utah.
Ute Mountain Ute storyteller Colleen Cuthair-Root traveled from neighboring Towaoc, Colo. to share her stories with attendees of the Ute Storytelling event hosted by the Southern Ute Royalty. Cuthair-Root currently works as the Pisichu Enrichment Academy of Knowledge Project Coordinator for the Tiwahe Program and is also serving on the Ute Mountain Ute Elder Committee.
Jr. Miss Southern Ute, Leandra Litz and Miss Southern Ute, Grace Gonzales welcome visitors to the Multi-Purpose Facility and introduce Ute storyteller Colleen Cuthair-Root visiting from the Ute Mountain Ute sister tribe. On Saturday, Feb. 25, attendees heard two stories from the invited storytellers and also anyone who shared during the open mic storytelling portion of the event.
Photo Credit: Divine Windy Boy | SU Drum
Photo Credit: Divine Windy Boy | SU Drum
Photo Credit: Divine Windy Boy | SU Drum

Royalty hosts Ute Storytelling
Thursday - March 9, 2023 by Divine Windy Boy | The Southern Ute Drum
Tags: Colo, Grace Gonzales, Jr. Miss Southern Ute, Larry Cesspooch, Leandra Litz, Miss Southern Ute, Multi-Purpose Facility, Pisichu Enrichment Academy of Knowledge, Southern Ute Royalty, Tiwahe Program, Towaoc, Uintah & Ouray Reservation, Ute creation story, Ute Indian Tribe, Ute Mountain Ute, Ute Mountain Ute Elder Committee, Ute storyteller Colleen Cuthair-Root