
Tribe’s statement on affordable housing in Ignacio

Southern Ute Indian Tribe Tribal Seal
Photo Credit: Southern Ute Indian Tribe

Dear Tribal Members and Staff,  

Tribal Council has identified the need for affordable housing located in the Ignacio area which would provide new, modern housing options for the membership and tribal workforce. Since the beginning of the year, administration and hiring managers for each tribal entity have expressed that the lack of housing poses a significant challenge for recruiting and hiring of staff. Adequate housing has been a longstanding and ongoing project for Tribal Council. Leadership encourages participation in this study. 

As background, in 2014 a Tribal Housing Study was commissioned to determine the scope and demand of housing for tribal members. A survey of the tribal membership was completed, and interviews were held with key tribal staff. This data was used to conduct plans and construction of the Cedar Point Townhomes. The study also resulted in the creation of the Tribe’s Secured Home Loan Program. On March 10, 2022, Tribal Council approved an expansion of the program to include loans on fee and allotted lands within the exterior boundaries of the reservation. 

In April of 2022, Tribal Council directed the Southern Ute Growth Fund and the Executive Office, to review the 2014 Tribal Housing Study, conduct an updated needs assessment in the community, and report the findings to Tribal Council. Based on the findings, Tribal Council would utilize the data captured to understand the current tribal community needs, develop a plan to address the concerns, and implement an approved plan. 

Tribal Council requested GF Properties Group (the real estate business arm of the Southern Ute Growth Fund), in collaboration with the Executive Office, to oversee an Ignacio Area Housing Study. GF Properties Group has hired SEH Inc. to create the study and the team is currently developing a survey for tribal membership and tribal staff. Key individuals will also be interviewed for a more in-depth analysis of current tribal housing operations, needs, and challenges. 

Once again, we are requesting your participation in this study. The feedback collected will serve as the foundation of future tribal housing developments for generations to come. 

This project will take a considerable amount of time and effort and it is very important that we begin this process sooner rather than later. Please stay tuned for details on the survey which will begin in the coming weeks. 

For more information on this project, please contact Patrick Morrissey, President/COO, GF Properties Group, 970-764-6474 or via email at 


Melvin J. Baker,  

Chairman Southern Ute Indian Tribe 

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