Aladdin and the Genie, who is played by Bryce Finn, take a magic carpet ride at the IHS presentation of Aladdin in the High School Auditorium, May 21, 2018.
Razoul, played by John Witt, his fellow guards and Aladdin kneel as they realize it’s the princess they are talking to.
Aladdin, played by Eli Armendariz, and Jasmine, played by Elizabeth Valdez, ride into the night sky, while singing a duet. Aladdin had two showings: May 19 and May 21 at the IHS Auditorium.
Jafar, played by Jeffrey Brittain, announces why he should be able to marry Jasmine in the Aladdin play held by IHS Theater program.
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Trennie Collins | The Southern Ute Drum
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Magic carpet ride

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