Throughout the years, OHV/ATV use has become a major recreational activity. With increased use come increased challenges. Challenges can be summarized as: protecting resources, minimizing user conflicts, safety of users, and providing reasonable and appropriate access. Recently, a number of concerns have been brought to the attention of the Southern Ute Tribal Council regarding safe and appropriate OHV use.
Tribal Council considers the safety of all its members and visitors to the Southern Ute Reservation one of its highest priorities. In addition, the Tribe strives to preserve and protect natural resources for use and enjoyment of future generations, while also meeting the needs of the tribal members. In response to a growing list of concerns, Council has decided a formal plan needs to be developed to address concerns and establish regulations for use. Proposed plans of actions are being developed and will be shared with the membership in the near future. If you would like to report the unsafe or inappropriate use of Off Highway Vehicles, which include ATV’s, please call Southern Ute Dispatch at 970-563-4401.