Ute Language Get Together

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The Southern Ute tribal members who have been actively learning Ute from Dr. Tom Givon, for the last four years, have asked the Culture Department to assist our group Núu – waygay-rumu – 2011 (Ute Speakers 2011) in hosting the first, Tavu’ni-kya-vaa-chi-rawi-nana-ma Núu-wáygya-vaa-chi (Let’s All Wake Up And Speak Ute) Get-together, on July 31, 2015 at the Southern Ute Culture Center form 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Our members have a passion to learn the Ute language and wanted to hear it spoken from the Southern Utes as well as with our sister tribes. We have invited members from the Ute Mountain and Northern Ute tribes to participate in this event. An agenda will be posted as soon as we get confirmation as to who will be speaking/teaching at the get-together.

All elders and other persons, who would like to hear the language spoken, are invited to come share their expertise in curriculum development, sharing of Ute stories and songs, eating good food, meeting new friends and just enjoying the day.

We may not be able to speak the language fluently, but can understand….however, one day, if we can encourage our tribal members to embrace the importance of furthering their retention and revitalization of their language, the language will live forever.

Negativism is not welcome as it creates stagnation, poor-self-esteem, superiority, and unworthiness. The Ute language is beautiful and belongs to no-one. It was the means of communication of our ancestors and we honor our ancestors by our openness and love for one another using Ute as our means of communication today.

We look forward to a productive exchange of information and continuity of the Ute language, so bring your ideas and suggestions on how to create a sharing of the language in the future.

If you would like to help please contact Arlene Millich at 259-0582 or Marge Barry at 563-4802.

Tuvuchi – togho-aqh




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