Tʉnia Pawaakana
Based on the parent surveys that went out on Feb. 23, 2022, regarding the school following a 4-day or 5-day school week for next school year, the vast majority of parents preferred the 5-day school week with an early release day. SUIMA will remain with a 5-day school week for next year, which is the 2022-2023 school year. The early release day, beginning next year, will be moved to Fridays.
Looking for an engaging and beautifully illustrated book to read with your kids? The Kindergarteners at SUIMA highly recommend the book, Jingle Dancer! It is a wonderfully written story by Cynthia Leitich Smith about Jenna, a contemporary Muscogee (Creek) girl in Oklahoma, who wants to honor a family tradition by jingle dancing at the next powwow.
During one of the kindergarten whole group lessons with Reading Specialists Debbie Lamoreaux and Lori Smith, the students focused on their listening skills as we read aloud the story, discussed important and new vocabulary words, adding their own background knowledge to elements of the story.
Following the reading, we were fortunate enough to learn that we have an actual jingle dancer in our class! Ms. Malia White Thunder! Her mother, Heather White Thunder shared that Malia has been dancing since she could walk. She enjoys attending all powwows near and far. She is Southern Ute and Cheyenne and Arapaho/Lakota.
Malia was willing to provide her classmates with a beautiful and very energetic performance of several jingle dances! She danced the Jingle Straight and Sidestep. She also answered many questions about her dress and why she dances.
Wrapping up her performance, she invited everyone in attendance to dance together in the Round Dance or Friendship Dance. Even though some students were a bit shy, we all enjoyed dancing together to end our wonderful and exciting performance by Ms. Malia.
‘apagha nuu
Our monthly Family Night will be held Tuesday, April 12, with the topic being “BINGO in Ute.” The BINGO cards will be sent home prior to our activity. Look for the Family Night meeting link to be sent out that day during lunch hour. Our staff is improving their language and we are seeing more of the written words throughout the school, whether through the REMIND app, on the menu, in the dining hall, or even in the office. The importance of revitalizing the Southern Ute language is a subject many of us are passionate about; one that has the whole school talking!
Nuu’apaghapi – Ute phrases
Continue to help your son or daughter practice learning how to ask for their food in Ute. Here are three simple sentences that can guide you.
Nu táavi ˈasti – I would like milk.
Nu wíisi ˈasti – I would like a banana.
Nu kʉmʉy ˈasti – I would like corn.
Using these three phrases, notice that Nu ______ ‘asti remains the same, while it is only the middle word that has been changed. Using the Ute Dictionary for the specific food you want will help you put together a sentence. Have fun with your family as you challenge each other with your language growth.
Upcoming events
- 4/4-8 – Book Fair week
- 4/12 – Family Night – Topic: Ute Bingo
- 4/22 – No school – Professional Development for staff
- 4/26 – Parent Advisory Group meeting