Fund raising for La Plata youth
Friday - August 7, 2015 by Damon Toledo | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Damon Toledo | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Damon Toledo | The Southern Ute Drum
Photo Credit: Damon Toledo | The Southern Ute Drum
The La Plata Family & Rainbow Children fundraising program was held on Sunday, Aug. 2 at Durango’s Rotary Park in light of awareness centered on children who grew up in abusive environments, including drugs/alcohol, physical, and mental. The program also spreads awareness in the bullying of transgender youth and teens. Southern Ute tribal member, Nathan Strong Elk represented the Southern Ute Indian Tribe by providing the opening blessing, as well as a demonstration of the traditional Bear Dance. Additionally, a crafted flute, growler, and buffalo hide were auctioned along with artwork by Russell Box Sr. The auction brought in a total of $1,510.