10 years ago: Tiara Hight, Adelle Hight and Justin Hight congratulate each other on their successful hunts.
20 years ago: Andrea Taylor, Dana Santistevan, James Box Jr., Franklin Thompson, Walter Howe, Blossom Monte learn their blackjack dealing skills as a part of the Tribal Management Plan. Gerard Burch, SanJean Burch and Robert Thompson are not pictured.
30 years ago: A going away party for Glenda Price (left) enjoying the “surprise” party are Vice-Chairman Clement Frost (middle) and Executive Officer Eugene Naranjo (right). Seated in front is Emily Taylor.
Photo Credit: Amy Barry | SU Drum Archives
Photo Credit: R. Cook | SU DRUM Archives
Photo Credit: SU Drum Archives
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Many Moons Ago

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