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Health Dept. enhances Pharmacy Benefit Program 

The Tribal Health Department is making improvements in the Pharmacy Benefit for Members Coverage.

The Southern Ute Tribal Member Pharmacy Benefit started in 2003, to provide pharmacy access for tribal members outside of the Southern Ute Health Center service area. Now it’s implementing enhancements to its program. This Pharmacy Program (provided through the Pequot Pharmacy Management Program) has grown to provide over 7,200 prescriptions filled annually at outside pharmacies for maintenance and specialty medications. Tribal Council has considered and approved additional improvements in the Pharmacy Benefit Plan to be implemented October 1, 2014. These changes will be phased in over the next six-months, as other changes have been implemented for individuals covered by the Southern Ute Tribal Member Benefit Plan. Enhancements to the plan are:

• Expansion of the Mail Order Refill Prescriptions that can be delivered to tribal member homes.

• Improved Coordination of Benefits with the Southern Ute Tribal Health Pharmacy Program and other third party insurances, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and employer’s insurances.

• Improved Coordination of prescriptions from providers to improve services offered to members.

The Southern Ute Tribal Health Department will be mailing out additional information regarding the improvements to the Southern Ute/Pequot Pharmacy Program. Please watch for it in your mailbox soon.

If there are questions regarding your benefits under the Southern Ute Tribal Member Benefit Plans, please contact one of the Tribal Member Benefits Coordinators at 970-563-4742

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