
Celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month with free mammograms

Photo Credit: Robert L. Ortiz | The Southern Ute Drum

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in Colorado among females, killing more than 550 women annually. But when breast cancer is detected early, 98 percent of those diagnosed had a five year survival. Likewise, when cervical cancer is diagnosed early, 96 percent of women had a five year survival.

The Women’s Wellness Connection offers free breast and cervical cancer screening to low-income women aged 40 to 64 years through 45 community providers statewide. San Juan Basin Health Department screens eligible women in La Plata and Archuleta counties. Make appointment today to receive your free breast and cervical cancer screening. October is breast cancer awareness month and a great time to remind our community to receive these necessary screenings.

Low income and uninsured women are less likely to have been screened for breast cancer. In 2014 only 63.1 percent of Colorado women over 50 whose incomes were below 250 percent of the federal poverty level reported having a mammogram in the past two years compared to 78.9 percent of women with incomes above 250 percent of the federal poverty level. This means there are approximately 53,000 low-income women in Colorado who are not up to date with breast cancer screening. In 2014 only 37.7 percent of uninsured women over 50 reported having a mammogram in the past two years compared to 74.2 percent of women who are insured. This means there are approximately 18,500 uninsured women in Colorado who are not up to date with breast cancer screening. According to the health department’s Central Cancer Registry, 71 percent of the 4,500 breast cancers diagnosed each year in Colorado are detected early, with lower early detection rates for Latino, Black and uninsured women.

If cancer is detected while enrolled in the program, treatment resources are made available.

The Women’s Wellness Connection has served Colorado’s low-income, uninsured women for 25 years, with almost two-thirds (70%) of its $7.8 million budget coming from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. WWC partners with the American Cancer Society to increase community awareness and education on the need for timely cancer screenings. For more information on where to find a provider, go to or call 1-866-951-WELL (9355). For more information on National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, go to

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